
By Elysium

Cholla Cactus

Just so you know, the double LL's in Spanish are silent.
This particular Cholla is locally know as the Jumping Cholla. What you see in the center of the image is a node, or segment that is about 4inches long. Each of its spines is tipped with a microscopic hook. When you brush up against this plant the hook grabs your clothes, or flesh, and the node separates from the plant and become attached to you. I once, and trust me only once, had one attach itself to my shoe, I went to kick it off and it rolled, flew into the air and became attached to my shirt cuff. Because you never want to touch one of these parasites, I shook it off my shirt sleeve and it flew into the air again. Much to my dismay, it became attached to my forehead. I finally went to get a pair of pliers, which I should have done on first contact. I proceeded to remove it from my face.
Damn it hurt, but at least I still maintained my handsome appearance ;o)))

A Better Look At A Jumping Cholla

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