Brooksie's World

By brooksie

Or will we?

Off to see the 'Orrible 'Oo tonight.

I suddenly thought that it is about 27 years since I last saw them and then started to tink about what has happened in that time.

So here goes, in no particular order:

John Lennon, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Pacman-mania, Newcastle College, Falklands War, john Belushi, Lech Walesa, William Brooks, Compact Discs, London, Live Aid, Margaret Thatcher (Aaarrrgh), MP3 Players, Blip, Thomas, Alice, Dinbar, George Dubya, George Snr, Lockerbie, Gulf War 1, Gulf War 2, Salvador Dali, 9/11, 7/7, Jim Henson, Dean Martin, Playstation, Cool Britannia (That came and went), Tory Blair, Poll Tax, Swampy, Sunderland 4 Charton 4, 2-1 We always win 2-1, John Paul II, George Harrison, Tracey Smith, Schindler's List, Frank Zappa, Audrey Hepburn, O. J. Simpson, Local Hero, john Entwhistle, Mad Cow Disease, Kevin Phillips, Dick Biddel, Stanley Kubrick, Millennium Bug, iTunes, Apple Mac, Edinburgh, al-Qaeda , Recycling and a whole lot more!

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