A Ramblers Tale

By ramblerstale

Street shot # 2

Running from the Rain.
Today was well.. a relatively calm day. It was a busy day at school so i think I hardly noticed the outside world until later in the day, when I look outside and lo and behold its.. raining. Awesome. Its a particular Shanghai..y rain that means its torrential and sorta monsoony and sorta Typhoony. I know, I know not proper english words, but I gotta be proper all day, can't I have some fun.

Anywhoo, I was walking home and took several nice shots, but I think this one won out on sentiment in the end. It had just started raining harder and I saw this little guy sound asleep on his daddy shoulder. His little hands clenching dads shirt as his dad held onto him and tried to save him from the torrential downpour. It made me smile.

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