Tom Zimmerman

By Zimmt54

Limelight Hydrangea Paniculata

A hardy Hydrangea from Holland, 'Limelight' has bright chartreuse blooms in mid-summer that hold refreshing color right into autumn when the blooms change to a deep pink.

Right now it gets partial sun and it is blooming like mad: big, fat creamy, elongated blooms. They are sturdy blooms that take a good wind and don't collapse. The shape of the plant is graceful and strong.

In the evening I sit in this chair and watch the dogs chase each other around our yard. The last notable subject in this shot is the bird house with a Minnesota license plate roof that my son made when he was a boy. What a coincidence, he just moved from San Diego, California to Rochester, Minnesota this summer.

Travel Day Update:
I had a great business meeting and made it home at 12:30 am last night. My meeting ran over and I missed my flight, but persistence and a kind gate agent got me routed through Dallas and back home.
Another customer meeting this morning then we head for the lake at 2PM for a long weekend.

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