Desperately seeking

By clickychick

There Grows A Tree In Paradise....

....and the pilgrims call it
the tree of life........
all your trials, pet, now are over.

Go Gizzy, go! Run up that tree in your new place free from pain!

Bad day, had to take Gizmo for that final trip to the vet. He was only 12 but his kidney failure had made his condition too bad to let him suffer any longer.

On a good note, my vet has been studying this very common complaint and is writing an article about it. She is going to recommend that all her clients with cats over 10 years old pay a visit. Renal failure, caught early, whilst not being curable, can be treated effectively. Feel free to e-mail me if you want to discuss anything about it.

This tree can be thought of as growing in paradise as our region of Cumbria is, in fact, called Eden!

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