
By BeautyLife7

My Train Journey

Okay so I don't know if else has had a delay on a train and found it really frustrating. Anyway I'm gonna tell you about the train delay that I had today.

Here goes, so I was on the way back from shopping and had boarded my train without thinking anything was gonna go wrong but then we hadn't even made it to the second stop when the train just randomly stopped about 5 minutes later we were informed that there was a funny smell in the carriage at the front of the train (think it was weed). So me being me I was panicking, I didn't have my phone on me!!! so I couldn't phone my parents to let them know that I would be late. I was alone, on a train, in the middle of no where with only my music to keep me company....

After about what felt like 3 hours the train eventually started to move and I got home.

I'd just like to mention that being on a train alone is so boring!!! Also note to self, alway have your phone with you!!

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