With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Sunshine and goodbyes

Piles of washing, papers and packing were vaguely dealt with. More importantly, met up with friends at the pool. Agu (Brown eyes) and I were joined by George (5) from Agu's class at school and Precious (13) his elder brother. George clung to me like a limpet for most of the 2 hours we swam, but eventually got him kicking his legs a bit.

So, Agu said his goodbyes to his best friend until later in August and I said goodbye to my new friend Mireille from Madrid. Won't see her until next summer when she visits her mum here again. Sad, because we got on so well and had great chats (in the guise of me improving her English before she takes an exam in September). Happy to have made such a lovely friend. Maybe we can make a trip to Madrid to visit. I don't really need an excuse to go there. It's the most fabulous city. So a double pleasure.

Off to England tomorrow morning. Hope I can blip a bit from my sister and mv's pad and maybe catch some of you from Liverpool. Really hope so.

Back on 25th. If I don't manage, thanks so much to everybody for such a welcome these past two weeks, for all your supportive comments and fun.

Hope you like my last view of the mountains for the moment. Was in a hurry with three boys in the car, it was a fantastic evening and I know I haven't done it real justice. Hasta luego!

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