
By stujphoto

Identities Unknown

I thought that I, at least, knew the identity of the the flowers in this blip but having looked at forget-me-not images I was completely wrong. These are tiny flowers less than a centimetre across which grow in profusion on a certain patch of our lawn. They are so tiny they usually escape the cut of the lawnmower blade at its lowest level.

However, I digress as the subject of this blip is really the equaly diminutive moth or possibly butterfly which I caught flittering around these flowers. If it small and it moves, it poses a challenge which as many of you will know I find hard to resist. Focus and depth of field were obviously critical and as I was wielding a 200mm lens I had to stand at least 1.5 metres away so the slightest movement was magnified massively. However, I was lucky as the moth (?) stayed in this patch of flowers for a good twenty minutes. I found in the end even though I was handholding that it was easier to manually focus and use Live View with magnification than to rely on autofocus. Had I been sensible I should have gone inside to get my 50mm macro which would have made life a lot easier but no doubt it would have disappeared in the meantime.

Having successfully captured this beastie I woud love to know its name. It's not a particulary prepossessing moth (?) and it does not make for an arresting image but if any of you blippers can give me an identification, I would be eternally grateful.

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