my name is not Liz Imbrie

By LizImbrie

the move - empty

So much happened today that I'll struggle to list it all but it included a few nervous moments.

"The men" came round to pack all our stuff up into their boxes. they weren't too happy about the lack of parking on our street. We ended up leaving the flat an hour later than we were supposed to, later realising that we'd packed up a bunch of bits that were supposed to be left behind.

"the men" went for lunch and came back, once again not happy. they'd been stitched up by the man in the office - their van didn't fit down our new street! So we sat, Sam and I, on the floor of our new living room, with all our belongings around 100 metres away in a big van. Eventually, they had to send away for an extra man and a wee van to shuttle the stuff from the big van. What a palaver!

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