
By megssw17

The glorious Southbank

We had no real plans today, so we decided to head to the Southbank.

The weather was lovely and as ever, The Southbank was full of things to see and do. We played in the fountains for a bit - but not in swimwear made it less fun when you sit there soaked! Needless to say, they then dived in and out of the caves for a while outside the Haywood Gallery. We met an old friend by chance - so it turned into a catch up too!

As we wandered off, we went to see if The Man Who Planted Trees had any seats left ... they did, so in we went. A very thought provoking play, which manages to be sombre, hilarious and poignant. Take yourselves and your kids, you will love it.

After, a quick tea in Giraffe and a play in the huge sandpit.

Home on the train past the Shard.

Summer holidays are made for days like today.

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