“Something about goblins… and brine”

Here’s Hector sat on ‘the mound’, a steep little hill that separates our front lawn from the rest of the garden. He likes to sit up there trying to look noble and surveying his territory…

Went to see ‘Ring’ and ‘Dark Water’ last night – pretty creepy stuff – that’s me, catching up with the latest in wave in horror movies a mere fifteen years late! Had a quick poke round the highlights of the Contemporary’s current ‘Aquatopia’ exhibition, which has some pretty cool things in it amongst the chaff: diving boots, quotes from Lovecraft, a Turner (‘Sunrise with Sea Monsters’), a weird video made out of heavily treated library celluloid (‘Heavy Metal Sharks Calming Jaws Reversal Film’ by Jennifer West) and some really good etchings by Gustave Dore (illustrations for ‘The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner’) and Odilon Redon, the latter with Rainforest Spiritual Enlightenment titles like ‘Different Peoples Inhabit The Countries Of The Sea.’ (Music-wise, I was actually I was listening to RSE this afternoon whilst carving lino, before following up the ‘music featuring rainfall’ motif with United Bible Studies’ ‘Watching the Rain Reshape Galway.’ Unfortunately, I couldn’t find a link to the latter on Utoob so you’ll have to have this instead…)

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