Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck


Autumn is around the corner, leaves are tumbling, squirrels are munching the summer's bounty and seeds are being dropped in the hope of continuing the line.

Flossie discovered squirrels this afternoon, very annoying when they run off through the canopy, leaving their detritus on the path to be sniffed over.

She has never noticed the brown trout in the stream, even when one of them swam between her legs. Standing quietly watching the trout cruise the tiny stream is one of life's pleasures for me. It takes me back to the time I was about 7 or 8 and had saved my pocket money to buy a basic cane rod. I doubt whether any other purchase has opened my eyes to the world at large and nature.

For those of a certain era the Mr Crabtree series is available via Amazon. Lost days, reading about fishing through the winter, then having those long summer days at the side of a stream.

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