
By SueL7

Extraordinary Sunrise.

Had I realised that we were in for a glorious sunrise this morning I would have been in Bushy Park with my Nikon. As it was, I decided to go for a run......typical!
However, when I run I take my little Canon camera, and, today, I had a wee tripod in my bag! I was running down Chestnut Avenue when I realised we were in for a good one, so went straight to the pond. The sunrise evolved really quickly, and did not last very long. The sky went from a tinge of orange, pink and grey to a canopy of pink - amazing! My images do not do this scene justice really. At least I saw it all!
This image is the first I took.
The sequence of images can be seen here.
I am off to Richmond Park early tomorrow morning. This is the last day for five weeks that we have early sessions in the parks as the cull starts on Sunday, and the gates will not be open until 08.00hrs.
I almost forgot......have a great weekend everybody! (;

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