Life through the lens...

By ValC

The nights are drawing in!!

A strange sky this evening.
Have you noticed that all of a sudden it is getting dark so much sooner!
They keep using the word Autumnal on the weather forecast too!
I hope the fine warm weather will last a bit longer.

I went to pick more blackberries this afternoon.
Thought I would make some bramble jelly.
There were plenty red, but not many ripe ones.
An elderly gentleman asked if I had got any, and when I showed him the few I had, he said he had picked 8lbs yesterday, and 2lbs today! Made 10lbs of jam.
No wonder there weren't any left for me!!
They say the early bird catches the worm, so will have to be out early in future!
However did manage to pick a pound, which made one pot of jam.

Another week has flown.
Hope you all enjoy the weekend.

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