
By peterwilshaw

Forget me knot

It's been a couple of weeks since I've been here. Simple reason, my mother has dementia. I knew that she was getting more forgetful but on two occasions she's gone missing from home. Only to be found by kind strangers and the police in the town we used to live in.

Luckily, my mother is blissfully unaware of the problem. But for me, it's heartbreaking. To see my vibrant, loving, charming and witty mother become a shadow of her former self kills me. It's hard to accept because it means admitting to mortality and the fact that all things end.

Throughout life we experience highs and lows, love and loss but somehow we always think our parents are bullet proof. I don't want to sound so down but right now it's hard to be up. I wasn't sure if I should post this journal but in the end I decided that I should.

I hope to let people know what it's like to experience the mental loss of a loved one. I want to share my experience both high and low.

If you're going through something similar then get in touch. If you're worried about starting the same journey then follow me. I'll try to be honest and open.

Thank you for reading this.

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