First Day of Third Grade

OH my you have grown more and more beautiful every day. Your hold on my heart is greater than I ever imagined. I am the luckiest mama in the whole wide world to be blessed with you as my child. You make me laugh each and every day. I hope this never changes.

Wednesday was the first day of school for the year. My girl wasn't very excited to see summer end, but she was interested in what this year had to hold. She definitely enjoyed her first day. So good to be back with all her friends, and to be making some new ones.

I picked up my girl, and one of her friends at the end of the day, and we met some other friends at the ice cream shop for a celebratory cone. Fun fun fun! Life is so good.

We arrived home, and check on our bunnies. There was GOOD NEWS out at the hutch. Our newest bunny is a mama! We didn't disturb the nest, more than just feeling for the heat of the little bodies. We are so excited to find out how many are in there in the next few days.

PS. Don't miss Milbert the dental dragon.

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