Everyday Blessings

By mrsswaff

Dont mess with the gang

Probably the worst dog walk I've had in ages - it started with the dogs chasing a cat from the field where I'd let them off to run - through 2 gardens where the cat disappeared through a hedge to the main road and a screech of brakes :( - luckily the cat was ok no thanks to my dogs . The next field Daisy found something nasty to roll in which she did with some delight by the time I'd given her a telling off and put them both back on the lead these ladies were galloping over the hill kicking up their heels and heading our way. I'm not scared of cows , Ive worked with cows, but they looked pretty wound up and were not detered by my arm flapping . So dogs off the lead again, pushed under the barbed wire to the track while I walked backwards to the stile with this lot pressing round me. Lily did run back under the hedge to find out how i was getting on but soon legged it with her tail tucked under when they ran for her heads down ! So home and a shampoo for Daisy before i could cook dinner :( Hurry home from holiday Jules I'm sure we would have found the funny side if there had been 2 of us!

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