
By Cully

Up, up and... oh still here!

Today me, the boy and Becky went indoor skydiving thanks to our lovely friend who bought it for our thirtieth birthday (not the boys, he tagged along as two friends couldn't make it). It was fab, I can't recommend it enough. I keep thinking about it, I want to do it again and again. I want to be an air acrobat like the pros! Although I am back blipping and I ache like hell this morning!

We paid an extra fiver for the instructor to grab hold of us and swing us round till we reach the top. I screamed all the way but loved every second, slamming the instructor straight into the wall as we came down, oops! He laughed though so all was good. I was smiling constantly, probably because my upper lip was stuck to my teeth and I still can't get all the knots out of my hair!

So anyone fancy a proper skydive next?

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