
By bekaboo

There is a battle to be fought

Day 238

Bank Holiday Mondering

First proper day of the summer's last hurrah and after a surprising good night kip and a leisurely start, we walked into St David's where we spent most the day.

After a longish lunch (as much as one can have such a thing with a 5 year old), we mooched around the shops until it was time for the local carnival /float parade while the boy ate a huge blue bubblegum Ice cream. And sweet it was too, with little carnival queens in their pretties, mutton dressed as lamb, the flintstones and the local W.I dressed as pantomime dames.

There is something very old school about these sort of carnivals, I haven't seen one for a very very long time, perhaps not quite as long ago as when I was the carnival princess. Mortifying it was too, to be made to wear a flouncy dress and act all sweet - funny that's the only thing I can remember about the experience!

A couple of hours were spent exploring the cathedral (will need to go back sans child to really appreciate) and the ruins of Bishops Palace. Only right that a little boy should have a sword in hand and pretend he's .... a Ninja!?! Was cool though to see the ruins without the really wild food festival doings as was the case when I last visited with T.

We were soooo absolutely worn out that we just had to have the world's biggest hot choc with cream and marshmallows and Victoria sponge cake before heading back to camp.

Sunset was spent on Caefai Bay again, although this time the tide was out ... Bare feet and sand .... bliss.

Superb Bank Holiday Mondering!

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