
By stujphoto


After a lunch with my son and his family in Dirleton today, we went a walk with the dogs on Yellowcraigs Beach. On the way back as we climbed over the dunes and made our way back through the woods, I noticed these windblown trees on the edge of the wood which must take the full force of the wind as it blows in from the sea. The lighting was very flat so I am afraid these have had a lot of work done in Silver Efex Pro so if nothing else it tells you just what this Nik plug-in can achieve.

When we reached the car park we were surprised to see a VW campervan with a chauffeur standing by and wedding ribbons blowing. I was informed by him that the bride and groom were on the beach having their photos taken. The beach by the way must be a good half mile away across some roughish ground and dunes so I said "Surely she has not walked down their in her bridal footwear !" "No"" he says, "she walked down there barefoot." Sure enough in five minutes the bridal couple re-appeared, the photographer grabbed a shot of them in front of the campervan and she was barefoot !! Then they clambered into the back of the campervan and sped away. I could not let this incident pass unrecorded and so you will see my photo-record in my blipfolio HERE

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