
An excellent day of making. As I seem to be playing guitar a bit at the moment and most of it is electric I have been buying some second hand effects pedals from ebay. I've also been using my very old overdrive. Classic stuff.

The issue is that is a pain to cart them about, plug them in and stuff, so I made a board for them.. Clearly it is a plywood off cut from the builder merchants down the road. All cut and sanded, I even made a handle!

I also rebuilt my wah pedal, lots of solder, changing resistors and everything. Astoundingly it still works!

Stuck for a blip I took my camera when I went to pick up a curry, Luke was the first person I saw. Luckily I know Luke as he used to work for us at Igentics, a thoroughly nice chap and a great software developer, I hardly ever see him so it was good to spot him, shove the camera through his car window and blip him.

Ironically I then bumped into One village blipper
then anotherand then another. Like flipping buses...


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