Still Life

It's been a quiet day today. We're resting up for the drive to the Bay Area for grandson Owen's 5th birthday party, taking the two teen age cousins with us. OilMan has been perusing the sig alerts and traffic maps all day because of the Bay Bridge closure, which means that everybody will be taking one or both of the two remaining bridges to get where they are going, unless they wisely decide to stay home.

It has been almost twenty five years since the Loma Prieta earthquake collapsed a section of the bridge. "Temporary" repairs were made and 250,000 people a day have been driving on it since then This is the fifth time the bridge has been closed over Labor Day weekend since construction began on the new section of the bridge. Although there are still problems with the "shear bolts" the new bridge will officially open to traffic on Tuesday morning, making the drive to San Francisco an act of faith.

No moving vans with clever logos, no dog walkers or quiet lakes today, so I decided to play around with my "artistic " shot. OilMan stepped in after I had wandered around the house collecting and rejecting random items, arranging and rearranging them. When I decided I'd better stop before I made things worse, I graciously allowed him to take his own shot. The camera duels have begun....

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