
By Theleens

Sharp On Attack

This is the name of Paul Larson's canvas, currently on display at the Fernando Luis Alvarez Gallery, an exhibition which gives back to CT artists.

This painting was the catalyst for my meeting Paul Larson, and a whole new adventure. I had never spoken to an artist, until I walked into the Loft Artists Open Studios last November. I was intrigued as to why the painter painted a musician.

After onlookers left Paul's studio and I'd hung around long enough to muster the courage to speak to Paul, he and I talked at length. Then we had a whisky, then I discovered he had some guitars tucked behind one of his 5x4ft canvases. Then I asked the question whether he would consider collaborating with me on a project: to pictorially represent a song I'd written about a renowned cubist painter.

And so the project unfolded and the project for 'Seattle Mornin' was born.

How lovely to look at this painting today in such a wonderful gallery.

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