Tales of the Guig

By Guigphotography

High Exposure

I had a lot of fun on a photo shoot with a family today, although we had to shoot at 1pm, when the sun was very high and the light very hard.
While it's challenging for a lot of shots, I like to use this kind of light for high exposure portraits.
You can see that the sun was above and behind Heather and I just asked her to turn her head toward me until I had all of the detail blown out, barring the facial features I wanted to retain.
After that it was a case of desaturating individual colours until I was left with the blue of her eyes and enough red to warm her skin and lips. Finish off with a little dodging to take out any other dark detail and voilà.
It's a nice simple technique and the clients were blown away with an unexpected artistic shot for their collection.

It's unlike me to do include something useful for our weekly blip theme challenge, but I wanted to post this shot and think it's something a bit different for the subject matter: "High."

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