Sunday: Tightly Packed

I had a few errands to run this morning so took the opportunity for a little stroll around town.  Holiday season is definitely over - more people seem to be around and parking has become much harder again - always a tell-tale sign.  I decided though that I am so ready for autumn.  I am ready for life in the city to pick up again, for the film festivals to start and for it to be a cooler, pleasanter place to spend time in.  

This is quite a common view here - it's not nearly as tightly packed as it looks but you have a lot of intersecting streets where all the buildings seem to face on to each other.  I really like the feel of it which might explain why I am so glad to have discovered Michael Wolf's photography..  Have a look, if you have a moment.  He calls it the 'Architecture of Density'.  I think it's really compelling.

And, it's been a while since some music but, at the moment, I also can't get enough of 346.  

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