Protein smoothie

First of all, thanks for all of your wonderful comments, stars and hearts on my bikini contest winners yesterday. I will get back to all of you in due course.

Today it was women's day at the 2013 Finnish Fitness National Championships & Expo in Lahti.

Held on the main stage of the Nordic Fitness Expo, it was my job to shoot the entire competition and also feed the signal from my camera to the 2 big screens either side of the stage. Here is the blip from my same camera position, 1 year ago.

These Championships were divided into three sections that make up each individual competition, including Pre-Judging and the Finals.
It was quite an exhausting day, running as follows:
09.30 - Body Fitness Juniors, Women's Fitness and Women’s Physique.
12.00 - Body Fitness.
15.00 - Bikini Fitness - final event concluding at 18.00

During one of the breaks between sections, I dashed out into the Expo to look for a blip. I took about 20 shots, most were either boring or crapp, and I found only one that was usable. This attractive young lady was working on a booth, promoting Protein Smoothies. She was quite happy to pose for a photo for me. No time to explain it was for Blipfoto.

Larger smile.

Special thanks to the promoter and my host K.P. Ourama for putting on such a fantastic event.

Tomorrow it is repacking and wrapping each individual piece of equipment into the 4 bags, a final rowing workout at the gym, then Tuesday morning to Helsinki Airport and on to Albuquerque USA. There to meet Paladian who arrives in NM 11 hours before I do.

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