My Thoughts & Feelings

By AngelA


What can a mother say about her adult children that won't sound like a boast or biasness. Probably nothing. My children sometimes look mean to other people (that's what they were going for in this picture), but they are both big Teddy bears.
They grew up early and learned empathy at a very early age, because I suffer from Rheumatoid Arthritis and they had to help me out a lot. It's very humbling when you have to ask your nine year old to tie your shoes for you.
Both have had at least parttime jobs sine they were 15 and both, for the most part, have learned the value of a dollar.
Now that I can, I probably spoil them. (Out of guilt? Maybe a little), I'm just glad I can.
Joint replacement (4) has made me feel better and has been a boon for them as well.
Ok, I guess maybe I gushed a little, but I am their mom and that's what I'm here for. lol

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