She's coming to get you!

I seem to have spent most of the day trying to get my work laptops to talk to each other and/or my home desktop in order to complete migration of my work files to the the new laptop.

Yes I know I could have used the Windows migration tool - but from past experience it transfers a lot a rubbish, and resets all the timestamps on your files

Yes, I know I could have used a removable hard-drive - but these are all 1 Gbit network devices ( for the non technical), including the router, so I should be able to set-up a fast link. I did manage to get a link to my dektop working, only for drop the link halfway through copying.

Eventually I resorted to the little bit of software which Microsoft hide away and discourage you from using - namely the DOS Command prompt. A few manual connections later using the command "net use " I had my links up and stable from any computer to any computer and using the old "xcopy" command transferred my files in short order with all their attrubutes intact.

Anyway, after all the "excitement", and once the Sunday chores were done and the papers read, I managed a to get into the garden with the camera. I had seen a hover fly with unusual markings, but he didn;t stay around, so I got a bit more practise with the macro lens and extension tubes on this spider, who definitely has a glint in her eye!

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