A Monkey's Tale

By MonkeyWithAView

How Much Will You Give Me For It!?

...Bellows Jenny across the field of eager & bargain hunting punters. And yes, it's a shameless self-portrait.

It was either my beaming, chomping mug in the morning boot fair haze, OR reams, stacks & piles of carefully arranged paraphernalia & objet d'art, or what I like to call, 'tat'. I think I made the more self indulgent choice. And that bacon was just so good I just had to share it.

We had a successful day at Pease Pottage Boot Fair, making a fair sum to boot & with a some stockage left over, we have plans for another one. It's apparent that people will buy anything, but they really will try & sell an.y.thing. And I've never seen so many weathered plastic dolls & series 1 & 3 (I don't know where 2's ended up!?) of Little Britain for sale!

Afternoon naps & my homemade gnocchi with tomato & basil sauce for dinner. Contently comforting.

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