Porty People and Places

Someone to watch over us ....

This is Susan. She is the Portobello crossing keeper operating at the junction of Bath Street and the High Street. The Town Hall, the scene of yesterday's blip is clearly visible over her left shoulder. Susan has been doing this key job for over a year now and loves every minute of it. She greets all the children by their name and has a smile and a cheery greeting for everyone morning, noon and home time. She has three sessions on the crossing every day. What does she do when she is poorly? I don't know was the answer as she has yet to miss a day's work. She, and her colleagues across the land are some of our true local heroes. Thank you, Susan, for letting me blip you today. Keep up your excellent work! I hope your cousin in Canada likes this picture too? I chose to blip this today as the schools south of the border begin their new school year today.

Last night we were chilly watching the Fireworks. The high wind made blipping even harder than usual. Congratulations to Jon's Page for showing us how to blip it! My best two are HERE and for those who want to see the sand blasted beach this morning it is HERE!

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