As seen by me...

By GrantR

Sunset and fast cars...

I really must leave the house in better time for these sunsets. Had to hammer the Scooby down through the city centre tonight sending tourist running for cover to get to Arthurs Seat for the sun going down. Then I had to practically run up the Radical Road to get this shot. Had no time to even change the lens so the 50mm stayed on.

This is probably the 2nd most iconic view you'll get of Edinburgh, the most iconic being the one from Calton Hill. This shot from high up on Salisbury Crags shows most of the good stuff. The Castle is on the left with the spire of St Giles Cathedral to it's left. If you view it big you can make out the Royal Mile, Princes Street and further beyond even the Forth Bridges. Edinburgh at it's best.

This was a single RAW imported into LR2 and exported 3 times as 16 bit TIFF, the resulting files at -2,0 and +2 ev were tonemapped in Photomatix 3 and exported as a 16 bit TIFF again to minimise loss of detil. Final touched applied in CS4, converted to 8 bit and saved as jpg for upload.

VERY happy with this one. Done this shot a lot and this is my favourite. Loving the 50mm more and more each time I use it!

View the whole shot big on black

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