A Thought For A Friend ...

Today, we drove up, over, around, and through the Chianti hills, gasping at the beauty of the vineyards and villages, the church towers and villas. We stopped at an amazing sculpture park northwest of Castelnuovo Berardenga, and walked through several acres of woodland interspersed with art from all corners of the globe. Really inspirational and fun.

One of the other places we visited today was the Romanesque church of San Lorenzo at Badia a Coltibuono. The monastery complex is high on a hill with stupendous views, and surrounded by centuries-old evergreens. The aura of peace and tranquility there was palpable.

This image is for one of my Blip friends, Fluffikens, who is embarking on a new and totally unexpected journey in her life. This beautiful terracotta urn has had some hard knocks. It has been shattered. Yet it continues to support life and is all the more beautiful for its scars. Just as you are, my friend.

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