
By CreativeCarol

Home is just down the Street!

Sorry this picture is a bit blurry! It is very hard to take a picture walking two dogs on a leash. I am not that talented! I needed to get out and stretch my legs a bit and decided to take a walk around the neighborhood. As soon as we were close to our street, the girls were pulling on their leashes knowing that they would be home soon! This will be my "On the Road" for the September Heartfreek Challenge.

Today is Labor Day and I did not have to watch my granddaughter. With a day that did not have any interruptions, I stayed home and tackled some very large projects. I was labeling 100s of DVDs that my husband has been busy transferring home movies to DVDs. With my eyes glued to the computer monitor all day, I am very tired. I will catch up on commenting tomorrow. It is off to an early bed time for me......Moira is coming at 6 am tomorrow!

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