My Best Efforts - Year 3


Looking Back..........

..............When I realised it was the 3rd of September I suddenly realised it was 74 years since the start of World War 2! As I have to stay at home today (expecting a visit from the Decorator) I thought it might be an idea to post something relating to that day all those years ago.

In the days before television had been fully developed, the radio was even more important than it is now, and it was on the radio that Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain was to break the great news.
“Stand by for an announcement of national importance,” the announcer proclaimed at 10 o’clock and everyone knew what that meant.
The announcement was repeated at 15 minute intervals, while, in between times, suitable light music was played.
Then it was time for the Prime Minister, who spoke from the Cabinet Room at 10, Downing Street. …......saying “ We are now at war with Germany..............
He spoke firmly as well as sadly.
The National Anthem followed and many listeners stood up for it, then just eight minutes after Chamberlain had finished speaking, the air raid sirens sounded. and over London rose some 40 barrage balloons.
As thousands took cover in the air raid shelters, the citizens of London awaited the onslaught from the skies, but it did not come. Ten minutes later, the “All Clear” sounded. It had been a false alarm!

Evacuation of Children.The plan was put into action in September 1939. About 800,000 children left their homes. However, many returned home after a few weeks. Others stayed in the countryside for the rest of the war.
Citizens were also told how to gas-proof a room in their home and ordered to black out their windows.

The government, after much deliberation introduced food rationing in January 1940 and most foods were rationed by their weight or by points.  Sugar was rationed at twelve ounces per week, but meat was rationed by cost. Therefore each person would be allocated 1/10d - (nine and a half pence) - worth of meat per week, 3 pints of milk, 8 ounces of sugar, 4 ounces of butter or fat, 4 ounces of bacon, 2 ounces of tea, 1 ounce of cheese and 1 egg.

Petrol was rationed - the amount depending on what the car was used for - the cost was 1/6d per gallon - about seven and a half pence in todays money! (The average wage at that time was between £4 and £7 per week - if you were lucky!)
By the time of the end of the War, 326,000 British Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen had lost their lives and 62,000 Civilians had been killed!


This is not supposed to be a depressing Blip - just a look into the past - the Western World seems to be, I think, a more integrated and tolerant place in spite of the fact that we have had problems in the Financial world and have had to watch our spending more carefully.

Another lovely start to the day - Temperature around 61 Deg.F. at 9.15 am. Am hoping it continues to stay that way as I'm have a few day trips planned for next week.

Enjoy your day.

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