Edible world

By RawAppetite

No-bake, courgette cake

I seem to be on a sort of odyssey to find the perfect local tea-shop/cafe. It's totally mental, since I have a store of superb teas in my cupboards, am perfectly capable of making all manner of cake myself, and live in a nice flat with a view. But the whim to go out and enjoy these pleasures in another environment, is still strong. Why do you think this is? Before you suggest it, I'm very comforable in my own company so it can't be that I'm looking to strike up a conversation: I'd far rather browse a magazine, to be honest...

Anyway, it has to serve whole-leaf tea, and traceable coffees; it has to have a calming/inspiring environment that is warm without being stuffy (very tricky that one); most of all, it has to have an authentic range of snacks & cake. Not just home-made, but using wholesome ingredients. This matters to me because cake especially stands for nourishment and love. You can't get that from highly refined, industrially produced, artificial ingredients.

Anyway, in despair yesterday after being robbed the previous day with an outrageously priced, and bog-standard roulade, I resolved to stop wasting time & money, and make my own. Being in a courgette phase, this is the result. Veg, nuts, flax, dried fruit, cacao powder and a little maple syrup.

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