Andy's Photo Journal

By andmoff


Didn't get too much in the way of sleep last night as there was a bloke in my dorm that sounded like a wounded rhino. Managed to find a room not being used and couple of us decamped into there.

Kids were out and about early, must have still been buzzing from the last nights sugar. Still, they soon burnt it of with some great activities laid on. I ended up volunteering in the kitchen and managed to turn out 50 pasta dinners, not a bad effort all said…. and it was o time and cooked properly though that mob would have eaten anything.

There was a campfire built and Alex and and me managed to get a good seat by it. Not sure what it is about campfires but a lot of memories came back of my mates in the 61st; good nights with shite lager round a campfire. Was nice to be round a fire with my boys.

A few beers and then off to bed (the one we decamped to).. all in all a very good, but tiring day.

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