
Bean, wearing a pair of Daddy's ear defenders (his own pair were hiding in plain sight in the kitchen), delighted at the arrival of the Typhoon / Eurofighter!

Church this morning. I *think* it might have been our last Sunday serving at Jubilee. At least, officially!! Steve was on PA, and I managed to get into the band for a change - not sung for such a long time. Loved it! I was also somehow on the refreshments team as well, which caught me out as I didn't realise until I got a rota reminder on Thursday! The boys were SO good. Bean hooked up with friends when we got there and I hardly saw him until it was time to go home. Bear wanted cuddles of course so I spent the warmup / runthrough holding him, and half the songs with him wrapped up on me, semi-nursing as I sang. Steve took him off to creche near the end of the singing, and stayed in there the rest of the service - I actually got to sit in and listen to the preach! Will wonders never cease. Fabulous. Bear stayed sort of wrapped up with me while I attempted to serve tea afterwards, but between getting distracted with chatting, and him wanting coffee and donuts, I didn't do very much serving but did sort of manage to help pack up at the end. Poor Bear! Not quite old enough yet to be let loose at the end, unless one of us is there permanently watching him.

Anyway. Once the morning's meeting was over, we headed straight off to the airshow to see what was left to see. Amazingly we arrived in time to see the Breightling Wingwalkers, the stunning Fox glider, the paras, and the Typhoon among others! They were my highlights anyway :) The boys got new toys and spent the afternoon happily playing on the rug with their prizes, had fish and chips and lemonade and coffee, ate ridiculous "funnel" cakes, took pictures of fast planes, shivered in the cold (we dressed for Summer didn't we!) and drove home to bath the boys and put them to bed.


Another happy day done.

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