An Invincible Summer.....

By TheFlipFlopper

A sneaky.....


The advances of this book arrived earlier in the week. We unwrapped it today and had a flick through.

It is full if images by great photographers pic by little old me haha!

Not sure how I managed it and had I known that I were to make the cut I probably would've submitted a far better photo ;)

But hey ho, does this make me a published photographer now? A little excited, I am!
I can't wait to get my very own copy soon.

And on a less happy note, I managed to lose my favourite little ring yesterday ;(
I only realised once I had gotten home so it was too late to go searching.
I know it's only a small thing and worse things can's true, but my brother got it for me when we were teenagers and I've had it since I was 17.....I can't help but feel a little down.

Although many Lord of the Rings comments have cheered me up haha!

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