My Life Is Not Average

By melamny


Albufeira - day 11

This morning we took taxis to Old Town again to have a look at some of the churches there. We found the Igreja Matriz, and went inside to have a look once mass was over. We also found the church of St. Sebastian before heading down to the beach to eat lunch and play in the waves, which were particularly strong.

In the afternoon we finally made it along to the English-speaking service at the Baptist Church near our hotel. We met Pastor Lenny, who leads the Portugese services, and Lionel, who was taking the English service. Lionel is 6'9", probably the tallest person I've ever met, and used to be a professional basketball player. Dan, who is usually taller than everyone, looked small in comparison. The service was on James 2, and it was really good to be reminded that both love and faith are action words, not passive things that just happen.

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