Out For a Stroll

I got this pet stroller on Freecycle--I can't believe my luck: these things are pretty pricey! Ever since a friend told me that she walks her cat down her long driveway to get the mail every morning, I've wanted to try taking our cats outside safely. And here is this magnificent leopard-print vehicle, with a place for my beverage of choice, and plenty of windows! Thing is, I'm not exactly sure how much Rhubarb likes going for a ride. He definitely likes the stroller as a nice comfy bed, and he will jump into it when we say "ride." Then I zip him in and we carry the whole contraption down the porch stairs to the backyard. I wheel him around, and then we sit and read and watch the bees and the wind. Sometimes he seems content, and sometimes he says plaintive things, and sometimes he just stares at me as if I've totally lost it. It will be a long time before we work up to going around the block--there are too many loud frightening noises out there. For now we will just walk up and down the patio.

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