
The title isn't a typo (read on...).

This morning was really misty driving to work and I thought the sun looked huge.

A run of the mill day at work, followed by a very nice meal lovingly prepared by Mr A (minimal meddling from me).

After the food had settled I decided to shower, all thoughts of the water fight the other day completely out my mind......until a grinning Mr A appeared on the other side of the door with glass of water in one hand and video camera in the other. Drat!
However, as he's a man and therefore incapable of multitasking he couldn't juggle both items so a swift shove of the shower door from my side knocked half the water over him!
He did open the cubicle door to throw the rest of the water at me, but thought better of it and ended up tipping it down the plug hole instead.
Wise move.

I think we should call a truce but technically I win

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