Thank heavens for flowers......and thank heavens for my wonderful daughter who came home from school yesterday with a lovely bunch of sunflowers. For me!!! There was no reason why, it wasn't my birthday or anything but she saw them and thought I'd like them. I do.....I love them!

Other than that it's not been the best 24 hours. My car failed the MOT yesterday due to brake pads and a tyre problem. Nothing major but I haven't got it back as yet as they were waiting for the correct parts. Luckily I've been able to use Lucy's car. This morning I took my mum to a hospital appointment....she subsequently needed xrays, blood tests and a steroid injection....all of which took 4 hours!!! It's horrible to see mum confused and upset about the procedures she's undergoing, it's left me feeling very emotional!

No plans for the rest of the day though and the sun is shining so I think a sit in the garden with a cup of coffee is in order.

Back soon x

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