Mother Shipton

By MotherShipton


These are the knaps of knapdale in Mid Argyll.

Steep, rocky ridges - or 'knaps' - cloaked in woodland, separated by narrow, often flooded 'dales', create a landscape unique in Scotland where land juts out into the sea.

The sea loch in this shot is Caol Scotnish, a very scenic loch that you pass by on the way to Tayvallich. This view is taken from the top of the Barr Mor in Taynish NNR.

It was beautiful today and for once I wasn't working and the children were at school so I headed up here for a walk. It is really very scenic: if you wish to see the view behind me as I took this shot look here.. This view is of the Linne mhuirich a fantastic place to snorkel if you ever get the chance. It is also the scene of my canoeing expedition last week which is here.

What a fab place to live! I am very lucky

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