
By pattons6

Pull mummy!

Come on mummy, I want to go for a ride. I have had a grumbly day today. My mouth has been so very sore. I have been cutting more teeth. I now have 4 on the bottom and 4 on the top. Mummy has put my special liquid on and it has helped.

I got a special treat today. New trainers, not just that they have sparkly lights on them. So when I run or walk, they flash different colours. I love them lots, so I hid both of them in my play tent. Mummy spotted them though as they were flashing when I rolled on to them. Mmmmm better find a better place.

We went out for a little shopping this morning. Mummy needed shoes for work and I got a cosy outfit for winter. Can't wait for the snow this year, I can run in it, play in it and go on the sledge.

I went for a play in the park with my daddy tonight but it was a little chilly. So much colder compared to earlier this morning. Maybe just as well that my mummy got me my red coat last week.

Grandma and grandad are phoning from their holidays tonight, I am going to try to stay up but might not make it up that late. I hope I do as I am missing them.

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