Thank you so much Frieda!

Recently Friedaquilter blipped two visits she made to Jupiter Artland, near Edinburgh. I was fascinated and, when she warned me that it closed for the season in September, I decided I must go. So off we went today, realising that one needed a fine day and this might be the last one for a while.

Absolutely fabulous. We had a super day. It’s a huge area of parkland and woodland with lots of paths though trees and open grassland. And dotted all around are art installations of many different kinds and sizes. A map helps you navigate your way. The huge Life Mounds or terraced earthworks are fantastic and we climbed up them and walked along them.

I could describe so much of what is there, but time is now limited as we have only just got back. I will eventually put some pictures on Flick but for the moment, this is one piece that I was very taken with.

Over Here by Shane Waltener
You just come across it in the wood and it takes your breath away. I think Frieda said she gasped when she saw it and I did the same. It is a web 400cm in diameter. It was knitted with circular knitting needles and four strands of fishing line, using a technique inspired by Shetland lace. The effect it has on how you view the woodland and the landscape around it is quite mesmerising. In the artist’s words:

Trapping the essence of the place and framing an ever changing imprint of it.

Oh and the cafe is splendid as well!

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