Burnt Pizza

Another strange and oddly disrupted day.

I had another period of time to "kill" in Fort William today. I picked up some bits and pieces at the shops at Caol, then took Caley for a walk with the remainder of the window. I wanted to get to this wee loch. I have only ever seen it from considerable distance when on the Ben Nevis group of hills and it is also represented on the OS Landranger series map, or its digital counterparts. The track from Tomnaharich to Lochy Bridge comes close to it but even this does not offer a view to it. From here you need to hurdle a fence them crawl through some pretty dense commercial woodland and the loch appears in a clearing. You get a fine view towards the Ben. I am taking this photo at the wrong time of day and the classic loss of colour associated with shooting in to the light is most obvious. Pointing the camera in different directions suggested a variation of about ten stops in exposure so I am lucky to have got away with this at all. I think M will like it here too.

I have groaned on about slow payment already and I was particularly annoyed today. After sitting on our invoice for two weeks a company's accounts department have come back and asked us to reword the invoice with some of their accounting references appended and have indicated the thirty (30 actually means 60 in big business) day payment cycle will then be triggered. The project itself accumulated substantial additional costs which I have already paid. I had tried several times to get in touch with my contact at the organisation and it kept kicking to voice mail.

I was well through preparing the dinner when he returned my call and obviously it was one I was keen to pick up. I hate such discussions and the call went on for some time but with no satisfactory conclusion.

"where was I before he phoned; oh shoot; the dinner!". L's 18 minute Pizza had about an extra 20 minutes in the oven and was well browned. To my surprise he found it was okay to eat though I would have understood entirely if he wanted something else.

See, if people just paid their bills I wouldn't end up burning the dinner!

On a serious and slightly political note; slow payment is a killer for small businesses and there is clearly a need for legislation in this respect.

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