
I've always been intrigued by how much emphasis/importance/significance we place on not only appearances but also on expressions (or what we think are expressions).

I think we are far too quick to make assumptions and/or think we've seen something without questioning ourselves before questioning those we are judging.

I remember sitting in a science class when I was about 12/13 and my teacher saying "Don't look so worried, Rachel!"
I wasn't worried at all. I was merely listening to him.

Often I find photos of myself seem to portray a mood or emotion that I know I wasn't experiencing at the time.

Ever since I've known him, I've accused Richard of having a "Fuck off, bitch" face. He's always sworn I'm imagining it. I guess - having been bullied at school - I'm always on the look out for that face.

I often clench my teeth or tap a tune on my teeth when I'm thinking. Sometimes I realise I am bringing my bottom jaw forward and tightening my lips. It can make my expression look a bit hard. Today I saw Tess thinking as she studied the hedgerow and I realised she was making that face. She was in a perfectly good mood but was looking very hard for blackberries. If you didn't know that you wouldn't know. She looks rather fed up or moody in this photo.

A minute later Richard was lifting her up and she was picking blackberries from 8 foot up in the air and was a cute little girl again. She always was but if you'd only seen her for a second you might have got the wrong impression.

In complete contrast, a really sweet-looking, smiley little man walked into a café where we were eating in Barnstaple today (The Cream Tea Café, Church Walk - very nice, small, simple, lovely staff), the man asked what the soup of today was and when told, made a childish "EURGH!" noise and walked out, still looking really sweet and jolly and smiley.
I heard the owner mutter "Yeah. Thanks for that," under his breath.

So rude little shites can look like harmless little pixies.

And sweet little girls can look like trouble.

We can't ever assume anything.

Oh - except Tess can be trouble. But you won't get any warning ;)

Today was rather marred by a dripping noise that turned out to be A Great Bathroom Leakage Catastrophe that forced us to go shopping for a new bathroom suite and will probably mean a bit of re-plastering, and definitely some new tiling. Houses seem to incur one unexpected cost every year, I find. This one is a complete pain in the butt.

Tomorrow the damage will be surveyed professionally. Eek.

The last minute Carter Summer Holiday is not going to plan!

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