It's a dog's life...

Louis and I are having a lazy day today - I've had to wait at home for the delivery of our new car, but fortunately it arrived quite early. I had thought about taking it out for a drive and doing a scenic blip with the car in it, but it's not stopped raining and the car's all wet so I decided not to bother. I will go out for a drive shortly though, as I've got to go and pick up my other pair of curtains from the girl that's shortened them. I wonder if there'll be any strange tales to report today - if you remember last weekend, I ended up minding her shop while she nipped out to get the other pair!

Louis is curled up nice and cosy in his new bed and as he's not been blipped for a while I thought it was about time he made an appearance. So here he is, nice and clean after his grooming session yesterday, but you can tell by the look on his face that he's not impressed at me disturbing him and just wants to go back to sleep.

Anyway, I've got a bit of ironing to do, so I'll get that out of the way in the hope that the rain stops in time for me going out. Hope it's better where you are, and you have a great weekend!

I've just noticed that Louis was my blip this time last year!

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