Naughty Boys

My day:

5.30 am: Up and out on a dog walk.

6.45 am: Off to school.

16.00: Home from school (traffic was really bad) and out to walk dogs.

17.00: Training Hero. He has been working a lot on his new routine recently, but this weekend he will have to perform the old one, so we needed to go through it to make sure we both remember it. It went well and luckily it doesn't look like his injured nail is causing too much trouble.

17.30: Back in to feed dogs... and found that Hero or Biscuit has knocked a big pile of school books down from the shelf and into the dog water! 8 books with wet pages! One cannot be saved, one is bad but I will try if I can save it and the rest are wet, but will probably still be readable once they have dryed, Naughty boys!

I put all the books outside hoping that they will dry a little as it is a windy day. Later I will put them in the bathroom to dry.

It is probably not very fair that it is Hero with the books in this picture as Biscuit is my main suspect.

Now I have to pack my stuff and prepare everything for the weekend. The boys and I are performing at a big horse show in Roskilde.

I am so very tried. It has been a tough week with 2 school days, some busy days at work and Hero getting injured too. I think it will be an early night.

Night night, Blippers
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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