Off his Flamin' Rocker

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A day of highs and lows!

Got news that my sister's baby was starting her journey out today... which is ace! Although it confirmed that I'd not be around for Saturday's celebrations that we were preparing for. My sister and I decided that I should wait until Saturday to head down... as I'd not really started packing, etc... So only one day earlier than planned

So Paul and I, albeit a little sad, decided to crack on with the jobs that needed doing before I left. Such as making cornflake cakes to go with the beer for Saturday, spending some quality time together (out in the garden), booking our friend in for her headshots on Friday, etc...

Just as we got back to the flat, I got a text from my brother-in-law saying that my sister's waters had broken... and "still a long way to go, will update everyone as and when". This was a little shocking, as we were expecting this to be a bit later on (in the week!) But we plodded on with our "baking", which was chocolate-y, gooey and yummy... and a lot of fun to make things together. We even created a choco-biscuit base for a cake we'd try and invent!

At 7pm I got a picture message of my sister an her 15minute old little girl, Anna-Gwenllian! I'm an uncle! :oD

Later on that evening, we were watching (or napping in front of) a film when there was a knock at the door. By the time I'd bothered my arse to get there, whoever it was had gone. As I went back to the room we were in I noticed some smoke out the window and a man walking past (towards my back door). He was a neighbour and had noticed that the rubbish (some of my neighbours have departed/left recently and the places have been gutted by the council) left in the back garden of upstairs (that 1/2 my flat looks out on). I got a bucket and put out the chair that had be set on fire. And Paul looked at me and said I had to blip it...

..kinda confirmed I had to leave him my spare key to check up on the place for me!

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